Recent in 5. page - Betta aquarium



4,176 likes 51,774 views 6 years ago

× DIY Betta Fish BIN Aquarium on a LOW Budget... PC MERCH AVAILABLE HERE: Clothing Instagram: P.O BOX: 8293 Jupiter FL, 33468 Follow me on Instagram: Twitter: SUBSCRIBE HERE:...


NEW Betta Male Fish Video 2018- TOP collection...

248 likes 24,713 views 6 years ago

× NEW Betta Male Fish Video 2018- TOP collection fighting fish | fish videos ||Complete Documentary Best breeding betta fish tanks supe colour full betta fish tanks Round This tail is rounded and has no sharp Corners. Spadetall spade shaped Veiltail most common long tail. Plakat Short tail. Delta Straight edges fan away from...


Betta Fish Retirement Tank | Fish Fan Friday...

638 likes 23,781 views 6 years ago

× I am trying out a new betta fish retirement setup using the medium size critter keeper that is about 2.5 gallons.. realistically I think its more like 2 gallons. Some fish do better in large tanks while others do well in smaller setups so it is best to choose what works for your individual betta fish. Similar Kritter Keeper:


Feeding all my Betta Fish | 31 fish!

556 likes 26,977 views 6 years ago

× In this video, I show you how I feed all 31 of my betta fish! How many betta fish do you have? ------------------- Want to support CreativePetKeeing on Patreon? ★AFFILIATE LINKS CreativePetKeeping Wishlist- Filming Equipment - Products we reviewed-...


$20 Aquarium CHALLENGE! *With FISH*

858 likes 36,249 views 6 years ago

× I hope you guys like the video! $20 fish tank challenge ad it worked out well! Follow me on Instagram (If you want to) : (Or if you like my videos because I’m sure you’d like my Instagram) What camera do I use- Sony a 6300 With a Rode Mic Thank you guys for watching this video, I really hope I inspired...



859 likes 24,473 views 6 years ago

× VISIT MY WEBSITE: SUBSCRIBE: WANT TO SUPPORT DEXTER'S WORLD CHANNEL? Paypal Link: Your support will highly be appreciated. In association with : Nathan Cornella CTI Media (web & Advertising) "BETTA FISH" is a popular...


My Betta Fish Is GOING BLIND?

884 likes 22,607 views 6 years ago

× Download Amino and join me in the Betta Keepers community! iOS and Google Play: Search "Betta" on the Explore Page to join the Betta Keepers community! Follow Me: AQUAPROS How to participate in GIVEAWAY: 1.) Download Amino App 2.) Join the "Betta Keepers" Amino group 3.) Follow Me: AQUAPROS 4.) Like and...


Top Fin Waterfall 5 Gallon Tank Unboxing/Setup!...

821 likes 23,775 views 6 years ago

× Tank I bought -


BETTA FISH FOR FREE - INSANE high qaulity betta...

1,523 likes 40,776 views 6 years ago

× VISIT MY WEBSITE: SUBSCRIBE: Dexter's World JR- I am glad to share this once in a life time offer of my friend his quality breeder betta's for free. Ricky is one of the top betta breeders in my place. He wanted to help me improved...


New breeds collection Betta fish tank

345 likes 63,113 views 6 years ago

× Top 05 most beautiful Betta fishes breeding of types

Most popular in Betta


The beauty of Betta fish!

826 likes 184,447 views 11 years ago

× Here is something a little different. Just a vid to show the beauty of a Betta fish. This is my first Betta fish. It's a Delta male. Please rate, comment, and subscribe. Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching,...



824 likes 34,206 views 7 years ago

× SETTING UP MY NEW BETTA FISH TANK! Hi Everyone! We are finally setting up my new (and first) Betta Fish Tank! We are going to have to go through the cycling process so it could take up to 4-6 weeks until it is ready:) So it will be awhile until we actually bring the betta home, it will be a long hard wait but definitely worth it haha! I am planning...



822 likes 45,151 views 7 years ago

× Today I get to unbox my new $50 betta fish from Space City Fish and Coral. This is a dumbo ear Yellow Betta Fish he looks awesome it would be really cool if I could breed bettas one day. He is currently in my 3 gallon nano tank he might be upgraded to a 5 gallon fish tank. The re aquascape of this tank should be out next week! GET OUR NEW MERCH...


Top Fin Waterfall 5 Gallon Tank Unboxing/Setup!...

821 likes 23,775 views 6 years ago

× Tank I bought -


Unboxing my first WILD BETTA FISH!! Betta Mahachai

815 likes 27,696 views 6 years ago

× In this video, I will be unboxing my first ever wild betta species!! I am super excited to finally have a captive bred pair of Betta Mahachaiensis also known as Betta Mahachai. I got the pair from the International Betta Congress show and will show you their tank setup as well as talk about types of wild bettas. ------------------- Want to support...


How to safely introduce new betta fish into a...

811 likes 214,417 views 14 years ago

× How do you safely introduce a new female betta fish into a sorority tank? This video will help you out! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ★★Follow me on my Social Media ★★ Become a part of the #CreativeCritters Click HERE to SUBSCRIBE (It's FREE): ★CREATIVE PET...


Learn Betta Fish Breeding or Mating

804 likes 361,267 views 15 years ago

× Complete BETTA FISH CARE here



787 likes 73,397 views 8 years ago

× Yesterday Christian & I adopted another male betta fish! I made this video to help people who are looking to adopt a Betta fish and want to understand what their tank requirements are. I hope you guys learn a lot from this video! Thank you all so much for watching! *Remember Male bettas should never be housed with other bettas.* Social Media:...


Planted 20 gallon Betta Fish community Tank...

782 likes 21,401 views 8 years ago

× Our newly designed planted 20 gallon Betta female community tank. We have done a full overhaul including substrate. We add Fluval Stratum to give the plants a boost as there are so many of them and we don't dose our tank, we only use Flourish root tabs.We set up a temporary tank for the fish, snails and plants while we did the tank redesign. **We do...


Setting The Big Tank Up! *AQUARIUM FISH NEXT*

754 likes 19,193 views 7 years ago

× Me and Paul finally set up the big tank! Next step is to put the fish in it! Follow me on Instagram: Camera: Sony a6300 Thank you for watching don't forget to like, comment and Subscribe!


What You Need For a Betta Fish

748 likes 106,572 views 10 years ago

× RECOMMENDED TANK: AQUEON 2.5 MINI BOW AQUARIUM Todays video I'll give you an in-depth video on all the supplies you will need for a betta fish. Video on Brine Shrimp: I also want to congratulate DavidsAquarium for being my channel of the month! Congrats David! Thanks for being so kind and supporting my...


Feeding Betta Fish

726 likes 54,712 views 8 years ago

× Feeding our Betta fish. There are many foods you can feed betta fish and the more variety the better. We feed pellets, gel food, and a variety of frozen foods such as bloodworms and brine shrimp. Feeding a betta a varied diet will help keep it healthy and free from bloating. New life Spectrum Betta. New Life Spectrum...



722 likes 90,124 views 6 years ago

× This was sad to watch... CLIP#1 CLIP#2 CLIP#3


Swimming in a fish tank | GET OUT OF MY FISH TANK

721 likes 35,127 views 7 years ago

× Jordan, I am so telling mom, stop that right now! That is my fish tank Jordan swimming in a fish tank. Get out of my fish tank


How To Breed Betta Fish Fast

714 likes 177,737 views 7 years ago

× How to breed betta fish fast learn more here on my channel about tips to breed betta fish kindly follow given instructions to breed betta fish step by step Breeding Siamese fighting fish, or bettas, is a wonderful hobby. However, it's not something to be taken lightly. If you have the abundant time, resources, knowledge, and...


How To Set Up A Fish Tank (Aqueon bettabow 2.5)

704 likes 135,379 views 10 years ago

× In this video I show you the basics of setting up a fish tank. Here I used the Aqueon bettabow 2.5. Dont forget to cycle your tank :)  Hello and welcome to PlayfulPiggies. You have come to the right place for everything Pet. I have guinea pigs, fish, and cats. I do mostly guinea pig videos but I still do a lot of fish and cat videos. There...


Sorority Tank- Female bettas!

704 likes 88,553 views 10 years ago

× FAQs: 31 Female Bettas in a 20 Gallon Tank. Yes, we bent the rules because we're good on conditioning the ladies to live together in peace. We isolate the aggressive ones in our other tanks. That's how we did it.
× ขอบคุณทุกท่านที่เข้ามารับชมจร้า รับชมเสร็จแล้วอย่าลืม ●กด ไลค์ ●กด แชร์ ●กด ติดตาม //เพื่อเป็นกำลังใจทำคลิปใหม่ต่อไปด้วยนะครับ// ______________________________________________________________ PC ●CPU : Intel® Core™ i5-7400 ●GPU : Gigabyte G1 Gaming GTX 1050 TI 4GB ●Mainboard : BIOSTAR TB250-BTC ●Ram : 'Kingston' Hyper-X 8GB ●PSU : RAIDMAX RX-600AF...


One betta fish's incredible recovery! Willy the...

688 likes 26,795 views 8 years ago

× Check out the video of Willy 6 months later: Please read: I've made this video to show people that every soul deserves a second chance. The pet store saw no chance in him and basically just gave him to me so they wouldn't have to kill him themselves. I'm sorry for the bad video quality but everything was...


How to - My Betta Fish Collection - Cleaning...

677 likes 47,262 views 6 years ago

× How to - My Betta Fish Collection - Cleaning and setup - Ornamental Fish Aquarium Send your Videos and selfies to Aquarium Food : Cleaner Pump: Internal Filter: Cleaner Kit: Betta tags betta fish, betta breeding, betta...


Betta fish . Betta Fry age 2 and 1,5 months.

667 likes 120,694 views 10 years ago

× Fry betta Halfmoon age 2 months and 1.5 months (2 spawning in one aquarium). Subscribe to a channel that would follow the new video. Мальки петушка халфмун в возрасте 2 и 1,5 месяца (2 нереста в одном аквариуме). Подписывайтесь на канал, что бы следить за новыми видео.


Aqua One Betta Trio Tank Set Up

659 likes 115,602 views 9 years ago

× Aqua One Betta Trio Tank Set Up | This is my Aqua One Betta Trio Tank. I got the one on display as they were out of stock. I used filter media from my other existing tanks and conditioned the water and then added a heater. The Bettas are halfmoons. The Betta on the right has symptoms of swim bladder disease. I fasted him for three days and fed him a...


My Texas Fish Tank!

652 likes 16,946 views 7 years ago

× In this video I show my new aquarium and the fish I got for it! The tank is 75 gallons and I decorated it to make a Texas flag! I bought two alligator gar for it and they are doing great so far! Hope y’all enjoyed this tank video! FOLLOW ME ON OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA! Instagram-thefishwhisperer1 Facebook- The Fish Whisperer Snapchat- fish_whisperer11...


Let's Make - a Fish Feeding Station / Floating...

647 likes 43,381 views 8 years ago

× Feeding station / floating plants trap DIY This is my take on fish feeding stations. It also doubles as floating plants trap. Floating plants get rid of ammonium and nitrate. Basically lots of bad stuff in the water are sucked up by the plants. Floating plants are easy to keep because the leaves are out of the water and can get all the co2...


My Fish Supplies Collection & Organization

644 likes 89,029 views 8 years ago

× Thank you for 130 Subscribers! When I started this channel I never expected to have 130 of you eager to watch my videos and be a part of my betta's lives. Thank you so much! Today I show you how I store all my betta supplies and what it is made up of! Ikea Sofa Table: Music is Royalty Free from...


Betta Fish Retirement Tank | Fish Fan Friday...

638 likes 23,781 views 6 years ago

× I am trying out a new betta fish retirement setup using the medium size critter keeper that is about 2.5 gallons.. realistically I think its more like 2 gallons. Some fish do better in large tanks while others do well in smaller setups so it is best to choose what works for your individual betta fish. Similar Kritter Keeper:


How to feed BABY BETTA FISH | Fish Fan Friday VLOG

636 likes 50,349 views 8 years ago

× In this Fish Fan Friday VLOG I am going to show you how I feed Baby Brine Shrimp aka BBS to my koi betta fry. Do you want me to make a video about hatting BBS? If you notice some ...extra... secret fish in the video then you can see more of them here: (affiliate links) This is the Brine Shrimp Hatchery I got...


How to clean a betta bowl

635 likes 226,604 views 13 years ago

× Cleaning instructions for a betta bowl. Step by step. Enjoy.


Awesome Betta Fish Tank Setups

627 likes 317,434 views 14 years ago

× here are some of the betta fish tanks setups if your video is in here don't complain i put u guys in the credits and i put Ur video link below so think of this as advertising. I will be making a #2 to this video so feel free to give em the link to some other awesome betta tanks :) Heres the links to the original creators of these tanks....


Happy Betta Fish in Community Tank - Sorority Tank

627 likes 154,225 views 15 years ago

× This is my very first Betta set-up that I had a long time ago. I had a few female Bettas as well as some peaceful community fish in a planted tank. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ★★Follow me on my Social Media ★★ Become a part of the #CreativeCritters Click HERE to SUBSCRIBE (It's...


Do you NEED a heater in your aquarium?

617 likes 26,235 views 8 years ago

× Heater failure can be catastrophic and deadly. In this video, we discuss how to know if you need one or not. Website and stocklist: Facebook: Buy me a coffee: Don't forget to subscribe!


HOW TO: WineGlass Aquarium!

614 likes 15,720 views 7 years ago

× SUBSCRIBE: Today I show you how to make an awesome nano aquarium made out a wineglass! This DIY aquarium is great for a desk, office, table and much more! it just looks really awesome! If you decide to make this DIY aquarium try using low light aquarium plants unless you have a strong led light for it, also please do not put...



613 likes 17,967 views 7 years ago

× Products Used In This Video: Full Tank ► LED ► Like This Video? Give It A THUMBS UP! 👍 Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE! Get Our FREE 15 Aquarium Tips ➨ Daily Pics and Vids on Social Media! Instagram ► Facebook ►...


i lost my betta fish.

609 likes 13,362 views 7 years ago

× SUBSCRIBE: Online store MY INSTAGRAM (@jamesmorelan) MY TWITTER (@jamesmorelan) MY SNAPCHAT Business only email: Mail me stuff James Morelan PO BOX #085925 Racine, WI 53408 Camera I use:...



608 likes 14,781 views 7 years ago

× 🔬 Products Used In This Video: Clip LED's ► HOB Filter ► 👕 T-Shirts ► Like This Video? Give It A THUMBS UP! 👍 Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE! Get Our FREE 15 Aquarium Tips ➨ Daily Pics and Vids on Social Media! Instagram ►...


Betta fish laying egg

601 likes 326,095 views 13 years ago

× Enjoy!!!!!


10 GALLON AQUARIUM, How to setup an EASY LOW...

597 likes 33,900 views 7 years ago

× 10 GALLON AQUARIUM. The 10 Gallon Fishtank is how It all starts for many kids. My First fishtank was a 10 Gallon Aquarium setup that I got at a young age. I remember having the idea for a 10 gallon setup as I was fishtank shopping at pet supplies plus....The 10 gallon is how they get you! Support Your Boy, check out our website!...


Setting up One Gallon Betta Fish Jars.

595 likes 47,501 views 7 years ago

× Today we set up one gallon Betta fish grow out jars for our juveniles while they wait to go to new homes. These jars are NOT suitable for permanent homes and need to be water changed at least every other day if not daily. The water temperature needs to be kept stable at 78-82f. There is also no filtration due to them being temporary holding jars....


My Daily Pet Care Routine! (Betta Fish)

591 likes 53,398 views 9 years ago

× OPEN FOR MORE CJ!!! Why Hello There! In this video I will be showing you what I do on a daily bases for my pets! Yes I do no I have A LOT of betta fish. because betta fish are "betta' to have more of. If you got that I literately love you...ok..we...good.... I usually clean ALL my tanks on on the weekends so if you like tho see that tell me down...


My betta fish - Update nr 10 (My 4 section...

591 likes 134,085 views 10 years ago

× This is my 4 section divided betta tank, all set up!! This aquarium is 100 cm long, 30 cm high and 25 cm deep. It rooms 75 litres and is divided in 4 sections! I divided this tank with black filter-carpets, 3 cm thick. With these dividers the waterflow goes easy trough them, but they are enough thick to block the sight from the betas to see...

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