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Reef tank

The Meticulous SPS Reef of Faisal Ali, Abu Dhabi

1,068 likes 31,165 views 6 years ago

× Reef Builders is the source for all your reef aquarium news - the latest on exotic fish, rare corals and hot new aquarium gear. Visit the website: Come to the conference: http://ReefStock.Show Send fan mail, gear and art to: Jake Adams  P.O. Box 467  Golden CO 80402

Reef tank

$2,000 FISH Aquarium Now Thriving — What...

2,108 likes 50,837 views 6 years ago

× Saltwater #Fish Tank Reef #Aquarium Success: Fish and Coral Growth in my Red Sea Max C-250. ALSO: Coral Farmer's Market, and More! [CORGI MERCH] [MY WEBSITE] [FACEBOOK] [TWITTER] [INSTAGRAM]...
× Someone told me I had been off YouTube so a bit. Here's where I've been and how my tank has fared while I've been gone

Reef tank

Air Tank/Diving Tank Back Bling on 145 Outfits...

1,486 likes 68,332 views 6 years ago

× Here is the Air Tank and Diving Tank Back Bling on 145 different outfits! They came out with the Wreck Raider and Reef Ranger in Fortnite Battle Royale! Follow the stream below! -PIZO's Social Media- TwitchTV: Twitter: Merch: -GFX Artist- Twitter:...

Reef tank

A Reef in Taiwan, Jimmy Huang

1,137 likes 52,190 views 6 years ago

× Reef Builders is the source for all your reef aquarium news - the latest on exotic fish, rare corals and hot new aquarium gear. Visit the website: Come to the conference: http://ReefStock.Show Send fan mail, gear and art to: Jake Adams  P.O. Box 467  Golden CO 80402

Reef tank

$146 Nano Reef: Equipment You Need (Part 1)

850 likes 33,410 views 6 years ago

× Okay, so the math was wrong but let's roll with it! Setting up a successful reef tank does not need to cost a lot, here is one way of setting up a 10g nano reef tank that costs under $200. List of equipments for this build: Hipargero / Aqua Knight A029 Light (Amazon): Aqua Clear 70 HOB Filter (Amazon):...

Reef tank

Reef tank Magnesium supplements. Which one is...

242 likes 29,276 views 6 years ago

× Have you heard of using driveway ice-melter for your reef tank magnesium 2-part supplementing? Today we not only test these options for dosing your aquarium, but put them head-to-head with common hobby grade additives and our very own BRS Pharma grade magnesium material. Link to certified ICP-MS and other Magnesium testing analysis....

Reef tank

Reef Tank Updates & Special Guest Solid Gold...

2,972 likes 66,902 views 6 years ago

× Download Splash for FREE: Share your Splash reef aquariums with me on Twitter! I'll retweet the best pics! @emzoticofficial Welcome back to Emzotic! Today I have a reef tank update for you! Also, Jennie from Solid Gold Aquatics stopped by to give some of her amazing fish keeping advice. Show her some love int he...

Reef tank

NEW NANO Saltwater Aquarium | Setting Up My...

3,703 likes 85,813 views 6 years ago

× Download Splash for FREE: Share your Splash reef aquariums with me on Twitter! I'll retweet the best pics! @emzoticofficial Hey Creatures! Today I'm sharing with you part 1 of my 2 part series focusing on my nano saltwater aquarium. DISCLAIMER: Nano saltwater aquariums are NOT easier to look after than a larger...

Reef tank

675 gallon Rainbow Reef tour

2,808 likes 201,723 views 6 years ago

× 1,200 gallon total water volume. SPS dominate reef tank. 5 - Ecotech MP60's , 2 MP40's, 3 - Gyre 280. 15 Radion Pros. 7 month old reef.

Most popular in Reef tank

Reef tank

500 Gallon Reef tank Tear Down and Aquascape

550 likes 24,310 views 7 years ago

× In todays Episode, I revisit Leo’s 500 gallon mixed reef tank. He is having an Aptasia problem that is so severe, he decided to replace all his live rock, clean out the tank, and aquascape the whole setup again. So I came by to see him go thru the process, check out his frag tank and office a bit, and reintroduce you to his COVE brand. This is...

Reef tank

SCA 120 Gallon Reef Tank | Ep.3 | Floating...

548 likes 14,462 views 8 years ago

× ******* Recording with my phone Tools ******* Tripod For Cell Phone: AquariClip Gel Filter for Recording : *************** Equipment for my Tank ******************** ** tank Controller ** Neptune Apex 2016: ** Water Flow ** Maxspect Gyre 230 : ** Lighting...

Reef tank

RO/DI Units For Beginners- Melev's Reef

546 likes 56,422 views 10 years ago

× My FB Page: Melev's Reef: In this video you will learn everything you need to know about RODI units

Reef tank

How to Restore a Neglected Reef Aquarium

541 likes 65,435 views 9 years ago

× Building a reef tank is hard work: it takes time, attention to detail, physical and financial resources to set up and maintain a successful aquarium. From time to time, occasional lapses in tank maintenance are bound to happen. Sadly, these gaps of inattention can lead to some critical problems in your tank. If these problems...

Reef tank

A Personal Tour of Mr. Saltwater Tank's 90G...

538 likes 173,617 views 14 years ago

× You asked for an inside tour of my 90G reef tank and here it is! In this episode of Mr. Saltwater Tank TV, I show you the ins and outs of the equipment side of my 90 gallon reef tank. It takes a lot of equipment running in unison to have a great reef tank and I show you what equipment I'm running and why I chose what I did. And, I ask for a...

Reef tank

Large Reef Tank System

538 likes 125,203 views 12 years ago

× 340 gallon reef tank overview

Reef tank

Where and How To Place Corals in a Reef Tank -...

533 likes 116,365 views 12 years ago

× This is an informational video on where and how to place corals in your aquariums. Lots of things go into placing corals when putting them in your tank. This video also featured the outstanding Coral/Frag Glue by Treasure Coast Corals! Check out their channel and website in the links below. Channel:...

Reef tank

205g Reef Build - Aquascape - Sand - E16

526 likes 92,568 views 8 years ago

× I was real excited for this portion of my build. I use Bulk Reef Supply Pukani Dry Live Rock.. Music By Silent Partner - Lay It Down
× We are back with another amazing Featured Tank profile! Today we’ll take a closer look at a 40 gallon breeder that is quite unique. It houses a myriad of corals along alongside some deadly predator fish that most of us are not used to seeing in such a beautiful and thriving reef tank. You don’t want to miss this!...
× Ricos Reef Tank Youtube : Contact Info: Jamie's Lularoe Info: DC Reefer: Tidal gardens:...

Reef tank

Seth's Amazing Aquarium Equipment Tour (180...

515 likes 50,468 views 11 years ago

× You guys did the work and got the other vid to 100 likes. So here is the equipment tour you crazy people :-) Advanced Aquarist Article on ThomasVisionReef and this Tank - Tropical Fish Hobbyist Magazine Article -...

Reef tank

Week 50: BRS160 disaster averted! Fixing...

515 likes 65,041 views 8 years ago

× It's Week 50 of 52 Weeks of Reefing, and this week we are calling an audible and putting off fish diseases until next week, and covering tank disasters this week. Why you might ask? Well we narrowly avoided a major disaster with the BRS160 and figured this was the perfect time to talk tank catastrophes. In this week's...

Reef tank

Matt's Reef Tank | Episode 2 | Trip to the...

508 likes 50,438 views 10 years ago

× For the second episode of Matt's Reef Tank, I decided to take a trip to a few local fish stores, and tell you a few of the ways I choose fish, and what to look out for. You can see the environments in and around Chinese pet markets, and also get a peek at my house tank. You will meet Neil the Ribbon Eel and even see me feed him a little. I go over...

Reef tank

Jerlo Reef Tank - Aout 2015

506 likes 90,568 views 9 years ago

× Jerlo Reef Tank - 2015 - Zeovit Tank size : 100x70x60 (cm) Lighting : Evergrow it 2080 Skimmer : ATI 200 is + Jebao DC3000 Protocole Zeovit begin 1 month Reef Tank 11 month
× Keeping your reef's temperature in the "safe zone" is best. If your home gets too cold or too hot, a small window of a few hours gives you time to correct the situation. Try not to keep it way too low or way too high - find that sweet spot and set up cooling and heating accordingly. I prefer 78-80°F as my target temperature range. Here are some...

Reef tank

Using Filter Socks in Your Reef Tank - EP 4:...

503 likes 151,028 views 11 years ago

× Filter socks are often used in saltwater tanks to keep the water column free of particles so your water looks crystal clear. If you change and clean your filter socks regularly, they can be a component of your nutrient export maintenance cycle. Most reefers use the felt filter sock on the output of their overflow pipes so...

Reef tank

10 helpful ways to use versatile MJ pumps for...

501 likes 163,536 views 9 years ago

× We've found so many helpful ways to use these pumps at home and around the office that we decided to put together a list of our Top 10 favorite ways to use MJ pumps to show you just how awesome and versatile these little pumps can be! READ ACCOMPANYING BLOG POST (with full video transcript): SHOP FOR...

Reef tank

How To: Start and Cycle an Aquarium Saltwater...

501 likes 211,645 views 12 years ago

× How to Cycle a fish tank correctly is what we'll be talking about in this video this is my 55 gallon reef tank, that is currently cycling with some fish but my live rock and live sand was seeded properly before hand. This is the end of my cycle, so i'm showing you guys out there how to cycle a fish tank salt water tank reef tank even freshwater fish...

Reef tank

Checkin' out Paul's 240-gallon Custom Reef Tank...

493 likes 101,942 views 11 years ago

× Taking a look at Paul's 240-gallon Miracles tank build. If you want to subscribe to the Advanced Reef's channel, you can find the channel's page here: To read more about it, you can find a discussion thread here: Check out

Reef tank

Schwings Reef Aquarium - 500l 4K

491 likes 100,428 views 8 years ago

× Another video from my reef tank aquarium. The tank was build in 2011, rebuild in 2013 (middle pillar crashed) and moved into another flat in 2016 - 8 months before this video. More infos click my website! The system: - 130cm x 60cm x 60cm (500l, 130gal) - 3x Ecotech Radion G3 Pro - 2x Ecotech Vortech mp40w (1x QD) - 1x Ecotech...

Reef tank

How To Start A Reef Tank Marineland 37 gallon...

490 likes 49,349 views 11 years ago

× Full build of my 37 gallon reef tank.. including plumbing, custom sump and details on using the herbie method and power outage test... This was a fun tank be sure to watch the full playlist.. I have since started a new reef.. if you are interested in watching that series check out my channel or hit this link for that build video.. JBJ 45 All in one...

Reef tank

My 1500L (400 US Gallon) Mixed Reef Tank

490 likes 142,114 views 12 years ago

× This is the first video i have shot using my Canon 60D, so still very rusty, but am working on getting better. This is my 1500L Reef Tank, which has been custom built into the center of my house. Circulation is thanks to 2x Vortech MP60WES pumps running at 100% on short wave mode, and also a 10,000 LPH RLSS return pump. It is lit entirely by 15 PAR38...

Reef tank

Matt’ Reef Tank | Episode 6 | Rock-scaping,...

488 likes 73,720 views 9 years ago

× Well.. I tried to get Hercules out of the tank… to no avail! I ended up going in and trying to find him…. And I emptied my tank out looking for him. UGHHHH! But with every cloud there is a silver lining. I had a chance to reorganize my rockscape and try a few things different. Along the way, I improved the location of some of the corals, and...

Reef tank

Algae how to control, stop and prevent it in...

484 likes 30,727 views 7 years ago

× In this episode I talk about how I control algae in my reef tank. Why I don't do water changes on my reef tank

Reef tank


479 likes 164,679 views 13 years ago

× Support the channel on Pateron - ►SUBSCRIBE◄ - ►Forum◄ - ►Website◄ - ►Facebook◄ - ►Twitter ◄ - Hi and welcome to my very first Marine setup. I'm a novice...

Reef tank

Reef Tank D.I.Y. Sump part 1

475 likes 607,270 views 17 years ago

× Please support these videos by visiting: Part 1 of a video showing you how you can build a sump for your marine aquarium including how to drill aquarium glass.

Reef tank

Reef tank

471 likes 104,236 views 10 years ago

× aquarium coral reef tank. 4K resolution video. camcorder sony fdr ultra hd

Reef tank

The Australian Reef Tank of Darren Hatfield,...

469 likes 28,415 views 7 years ago

× is the source for all your reef aquarium news - the latest on exotic fish, rare corals and hot new aquarium gear. Reef Secrets Aquarium Video: Details of Darren's Reef: 10x 80watt powermodule 3 x kessil 360 tuna blue . Flow TUNZE and Jabeo. Return pump - speedy RD3 80watt Twist...

Reef tank

Casper's Reef @ Worldwide Corals 4K Tank Tour

469 likes 16,297 views 7 years ago

× Casper in 2015: Casper in 2012: is the source for all your reef aquarium news - the latest on exotic fish, rare corals and hot new aquarium gear.

Reef tank

Reef Tank Overflow Styles and Plumbing part 2

465 likes 161,888 views 13 years ago

× Part two of two videos showing different styles of aquarium overflows used mainly on saltwater reef aquariums.

Reef tank

Awesome Fully Stocked 10 Gallon Nano Reef Tank

464 likes 84,863 views 9 years ago

× Hey guys here's an update for my 10 gallon nano reef tank! This is completely stocked and I don't plan on adding anything else because I like it the way it is! If you have any questions, let me know! By the way check out they have great deals from time to time and I've had great luck with them!

Reef tank

SCA 120 Gallon Reef Tank | Ep.4 | Plumbing -...

460 likes 16,767 views 8 years ago

× ******* Recording with my phone Tools ******* Tripod For Cell Phone: AquariClip Gel Filter for Recording : *************** Equipment for my Tank ******************** ** tank Controller ** Neptune Apex 2016: ** Water Flow ** Maxspect Gyre 230 : ** Lighting...
× In todays Episode, I shut down the office reef tank for good, and take the remaining rock and sand to my friend Leo, to donate to his reef room, complete with a 500 gallon reeftank, low profile sand reef and under construction frag setup. I sit down with him and talk about his business, his upcoming office tank setup, his new lighting and have...

Reef tank

How To Defeat Hair Alage - Reef Tank Update

449 likes 19,627 views 9 years ago

× just sharing my experience beating hair algae after battling for 4 months.. sharing my thoughts on what turned the tide in this war on the green stuff... Like,comment or just enjoy the vid be easy! Parameter swing video: Cyano & Hair algae Video: Tank...

Reef tank

LED vs T5 vs HQI - Light reef tank story

446 likes 180,352 views 12 years ago

× LED no name "made in china" White & Blue (4 x 120W) HQI Aquamedic 16000K (3 x 150W) T5 Aquamedic Blue (4 x 80W)

Reef tank

SPS / LPS Reef Tank (260 Gallon)

445 likes 102,132 views 10 years ago


Reef tank

My 1.200 liters (300 gallon) Mixed Reef Tank

443 likes 67,433 views 8 years ago

× Here's my mixed reef tank, it's been running for 4 months now. Got a little bit of Cyano but it's part of the normal cycle. Enjoy and feel free to comment!

Reef tank

FAQ #37: What's the most affordable lighting...

437 likes 52,233 views 8 years ago

× Today on BRStv, we have another episode of BRS 52 FAQ where we answer all of your frequently asked reefing questions from our popular 52 Weeks of Reefing series. Today we're answering Marco lph's question, "What is the cheapest lighting system in a reef tank?" So follow along as we answer today's question, provide some...

Reef tank

[4K] 10 Gallon Nano Reef Tank Fully Stocked -...

435 likes 34,610 views 8 years ago

× This is a full update on my nuvo fusion 10, this video encompasses my filtration, light schedule, and dosing, as well as my entire reef tank as a whole. I dose kalk+2 by bright well aquatics, and fuel by seachem (Aqua vitro line), I dose one inner cap of seachem fuel every 3 days and i dose kalkwasser in my freshwater top off. I also feed my fish...

Reef tank

How I Keep 8 Tangs in My Reef Tank

425 likes 55,512 views 8 years ago

× In this episode I talk about how I keep 8 tangs in my 210 reef tank.

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