Recent in 6. page - reef tank, salt water
Reef Builders is the source for all your reef aquarium news - the latest on exotic fish, rare corals and hot new aquarium gear.
Visit the website:
Come to the conference: http://ReefStock.Show
Send fan mail, gear and art to:
Jake Adams
P.O. Box 467
Golden CO 80402
Saltwater #Fish Tank Reef #Aquarium Success: Fish and Coral Growth in my Red Sea Max C-250. ALSO: Coral Farmer's Market, and More!
Someone told me I had been off YouTube so a bit. Here's where I've been and how my tank has fared while I've been gone
Here is the Air Tank and Diving Tank Back Bling on 145 different outfits! They came out with the Wreck Raider and Reef Ranger in Fortnite Battle Royale! Follow the stream below!
-PIZO's Social Media-
-GFX Artist-
Reef Builders is the source for all your reef aquarium news - the latest on exotic fish, rare corals and hot new aquarium gear.
Visit the website:
Come to the conference: http://ReefStock.Show
Send fan mail, gear and art to:
Jake Adams
P.O. Box 467
Golden CO 80402
Okay, so the math was wrong but let's roll with it! Setting up a successful reef tank does not need to cost a lot, here is one way of setting up a 10g nano reef tank that costs under $200. List of equipments for this build:
Hipargero / Aqua Knight A029 Light (Amazon):
Aqua Clear 70 HOB Filter (Amazon):...
Have you heard of using driveway ice-melter for your reef tank magnesium 2-part supplementing? Today we not only test these options for dosing your aquarium, but put them head-to-head with common hobby grade additives and our very own BRS Pharma grade magnesium material.
Link to certified ICP-MS and other Magnesium testing analysis....
Download Splash for FREE:
Share your Splash reef aquariums with me on Twitter! I'll retweet the best pics! @emzoticofficial
Welcome back to Emzotic! Today I have a reef tank update for you! Also, Jennie from Solid Gold Aquatics stopped by to give some of her amazing fish keeping advice.
Show her some love int he...
Download Splash for FREE:
Share your Splash reef aquariums with me on Twitter! I'll retweet the best pics! @emzoticofficial
Hey Creatures! Today I'm sharing with you part 1 of my 2 part series focusing on my nano saltwater aquarium.
DISCLAIMER: Nano saltwater aquariums are NOT easier to look after than a larger...
1,200 gallon total water volume. SPS dominate reef tank. 5 - Ecotech MP60's , 2 MP40's, 3 - Gyre 280. 15 Radion Pros. 7 month old reef.
Most popular in Reef tank
Viking`s 2000 liter mixed reef tank
300X80X80 cm
Total aquarium system about 3000 liter (790 gallons)
Colombo natural reef salt, reactor with biopellets from DVH (the Netherlands), bacteria Biogro 123 marine from DVH, Colombo colour 1,2,3 (microelements), ATI powermodule 10 x 80W.
Hey Folks. Come check out how I keep my SMALL, aka NANO reef Aquarium nice and clean and running smooth. By the way. You can also do this no problem. I believe in you, and I'm here to help you through it all. Just comment or visit my Facebook page and I'll answer your questions. Oh, yeah. Did I mention you might want to get in on the My Aquarium Box,...
I've been using Phosphate Rx for a decade, and it's my preferred product to keep PO4 levels under control. No GFO for me. I've mentioned it many times, but decided "I guess I need to do a video about this product after all." I do realize I could have explained the process in about sixty seconds because it's that simple, but I wanted this to be a fun...
× Today on BRStv, we have another episode of BRS 52 FAQ where we answer all of your frequently asked reefing questions from our popular 52 Weeks of Reefing series.
Today we're answering Kyle Archer's question: "Is there any reason not to use natural seawater for a reef tank?"
The truth is, yes you can, but you may want to...
In this video i will be showing you how i cure 200 pounds of pukani dry rock for the new 300 gallon reef tank. I picked this rock up at I will be using two 55 gallon barrels, two utility pumps and heaters to cure this rock over the next ten weeks.
To Buy Coral check out...
80 Gallon Reef Tank (one year old), with lots of soft corals, some LPS and fishes. George´s Reef .
Animals list:
Yellow tang, Blue tang, ocellaris clownfish, fire fish goby, diamond goby, Engineer Goby, mandarim goby, midas blenny, bicolor blenny, Melanuros Wrasse, Sixline Wrasse, Equetus Lanceolatus, Royal Gramma, Longnose Hawkfish, Bubble Tip...
My Purple Tang was placed in a quarantine tank for approximately four weeks. Three days after being placed in the 75 gallon reef tank, my Purple Tang showed symptoms of Ich. There was no way I could get him out and back into QT for copper treatment. I decided to attack this problem using several remedies. I utilized Kordon Ich Attack, Marine Vitamin...
Dave Burr discusses cycling a saltwater aquarium. Tip 1: You can start your cycle with scraps of food such as shrimp instead of fish. Tip 2: Do not cycle your tank with damsels. Damsels are aggressive and will limit what fish you can add later. Instead, research and formulate a stocking plan. Add smaller peaceful fish first and aggressive, more...
Have you been interested in starting a saltwater tank or wanted to add an easy tank to your aquarium collection? Today on BRStv Spotlight we show you how easy it can be to setup a Nano Reef Tank using the 20 gallon Max Nano from Red Sea!
Pick up your Red Sea Max Nano package at the link below!...
Check out for information or if you want to buy corals for your reef tank.
Check out Tidal Garden's sister site Advanced Reef Aquarium reef-related goodies!:
Follow us on Facebook if you can't get enough reef-related shenanigans:
Follow us on...
On today episode we get to check out the phoenix fish room and plumb the Abyzz pump.....
To view this video, I recommend to use a high-quality audio system or headphones, and also used for viewing 4K TV, is available UHD 4K resolution !
Viking`s 2000 liter mixed reef tank
300X80X80 cm
Total aquarium system about 3000 liter (790 gallons)
The aquarium was launched in December 2011.
This is my second video clip of my aquarium.
comment, rate subscribe. :) This is the process my tank build so far. There will be a video with the finished product coming soon. Here are some links to the overflow and lights.
more videos to come.
In this video I will cover what dosing is, when, why, and how much to dose, simplified to help those newer to the concept understand.
Reef Calculator-
BRS 2 Part-
The reef finally has cleared up. I'll cover equipment and overall setup and first thoughts in this vid. Hope you guys enjoy it as much as I do.
There is a full playlist on this tank covering its progression.. feel free to check them out.. i update frequently..
Like comment or just enjoy the vid be easy!
× About 8 months ago, the awesome folks over at CAD Lights donated a 70 gallon Artisan aquarium for the Marine Depot customer support team to set up and maintain here at our corporate headquarters in Garden Grove, CA.
Since then our support team has put together and grown a beautiful reef aquarium. Today we will show you some of...
In this video I go over all the fish that I keep in my reef tank.
You shoukd alwasys use R.O.D.I water from the start. Tap water contains phosphates.
No.6 will only work to remove carbondioxide if you have low levels in the room. (see part 10 how to build a reef tank).
Good flow and an open aquascape will stop the build up of waste, and help more waste to go up your skimmer.
It does not realy matter what your...
We are back with another awesome Featured Tank profile!
Today we’ll take a closer look at Mike's (thegrun) 120 gallon custom built aquarium. This tank has some beautiful, mature corals as well as a very complex and efficient filtration system.
Check it out and let us know what you think!
This is a beginner guide to those of you looking to setup your new saltwater aquarium. I will be giving tips and tricks to help take the stress and frustration out of the process. Please checkout the rest of my beginner guide videos for even more information.
Come Join & Ask Your Questions On Our Facebook Group:...
Daily feeding regimen for my 5 month old mixed reef tank:
4 drops of oyster feast
8-10 drops of phyto feast
pinch of cyclop-eeze
diluted with RO/DI water
I just dump it into the HOB filter so it gets dispersed relatively quickly in the water column. Fish love it. The GSP have the most notable reaction...they retract quickly for about 10 minutes...
This is the new 80 gallon tank with lots of cool coral. its 64"long
18"wide 16"tall, has a reef octopus bh2000 skimmer, 3 ecotech radion pros, 2 mp40s coralife UV sterilizer, GHL dosing pump, enjoy! more to come! sorry about color being washed out working on fixing it.
Welcome to part II of Tidal Gardens' nano reef video series. Nano reef tanks are a popular fixture in the saltwater aquarium hobby. This three-part series will cover some of the issues regarding this form of reefkeeping.
In part I (, we will be talking about refurbishing a used acrylic tank to be...
Ahoy ship mates well the time has finally came where I get started on the Aquascape for The Black Pearl. I love aquascaping and always find it easier if you have an idea of what you want and what kind of look you're after. Me personally I don't like piles of rock or the rock wall against the back glass but that's just me. I find these types of...
This system works with All in one biopellets.
Camera: Canon 500D Muzyka: Jewel In The Crown, wykonawca: Mike Oldfield
× Last month we demonstrated how you can build an affordable saltwater aquarium known as a FOWLR, or fish only with live rock tank.
In today’s episode, we are going to show you how you can convert a FOWLR into a reef aquarium suitable for housing a variety of fish, corals, and inverts.
First, we drilled our 64 gallon tank to...
× Today on BRStv, we have another episode of BRS 52 FAQ where we answer all of your frequently asked reefing questions from our popular 52 Weeks of Reefing series.
This week we are answering Craig Miller’s question from Week 17: “Is it worth putting a skimmer in a nano tank?”
So follow along as we answer today's...
Back in 2000, instead of picking up a freshwater aquarium set up, my friend and I fell in love with a baby box fish and a bi-color blenny and decided to give saltwater aquarium a try. It has been a wonderful journey that has been very damaging to the bank account.
Darling by DJ Quads
This is my 250 gallon Reef System. 150 gal Reef Tank, 50 gal Refugium, 50 gal sump, Upgraded from a previous 75 gal Reef Tank in San Diego California.
How to Make Money Off Your Reef Tank
Here are the top 5 ways to generate some money from your reef aquarium. Hopefully one of these ideas will help you fund your reef keeping hobby.
Tracks: “Substance”
Artist: David Cutter Music (
License Terms:
Paid License
Tracks: “Faster Does It”
Artist: Kevin MacLeod...
The 2015 update of Nathan’s tank. Part I is a general overview mainly on the corals and equipment. Part II will be on the fish and some general thoughts.
Check out Tidal Garden's sister site Advanced Reef Aquarium reef-related goodies:
Follow us on Facebook if you can't get enough reef-related shenanigans:...
× Corals and other organisms in our tanks reduce alkalinity and we need to replenish it if we want colorful, healthy, growing tanks. Replenishing alkalinity can be as simple as testing now and then and dosing an additive to raise it back up.
Many experienced reefers agree that alkalinity is the single most important element to...
This video will focus on magnesium which is an often overlooked ion in our reef tanks. Reef hobbyists interested mainly in stony corals tend to tunnel vision in on calcium and alkalinity. On one hand, that makes sense because coral skeletons are primarily made up of calcium carbonate. On the other hand, it’s an incomplete view of what’s happening...
In today's Episode, I return to Leo’s reef room. This time I go thru all the details, his new aquascaping on his 500 gallon setup/deep sand bed, his 350 gallon frag tank and mangrove grow area, and his 300 gallon drop off with custom built sump.
All cool stuff and details about his equipment as well.
I also show you an awesome aptasia solution...
So I was having problems with SPS color. I danced around with a couple things but ultimately blamed Bio-pellets for stripping nutrients and causes pore color in the coral - so I pulled the bio-pellet reactor.... It caused a crash of the entire system. Hard lesson learned!!!
You can find everything I use for Clear water here :
Lees Wooden Air Diffuser :
Air Pump:
Rox .8 Carbon :
Filter Floss Sheet :
** Recording with my phone Tools **
Tripod For Cell Phone:
AquariClip Gel Filter for Recording :...