Recent in 5. page - reef tank, salt water
Reef Builders is the source for all your reef aquarium news - the latest on exotic fish, rare corals and hot new aquarium gear.
Visit the website:
Come to the conference: http://ReefStock.Show
Send fan mail, gear and art to:
Jake Adams
P.O. Box 467
Golden CO 80402
Saltwater #Fish Tank Reef #Aquarium Success: Fish and Coral Growth in my Red Sea Max C-250. ALSO: Coral Farmer's Market, and More!
Someone told me I had been off YouTube so a bit. Here's where I've been and how my tank has fared while I've been gone
Here is the Air Tank and Diving Tank Back Bling on 145 different outfits! They came out with the Wreck Raider and Reef Ranger in Fortnite Battle Royale! Follow the stream below!
-PIZO's Social Media-
-GFX Artist-
Reef Builders is the source for all your reef aquarium news - the latest on exotic fish, rare corals and hot new aquarium gear.
Visit the website:
Come to the conference: http://ReefStock.Show
Send fan mail, gear and art to:
Jake Adams
P.O. Box 467
Golden CO 80402
Okay, so the math was wrong but let's roll with it! Setting up a successful reef tank does not need to cost a lot, here is one way of setting up a 10g nano reef tank that costs under $200. List of equipments for this build:
Hipargero / Aqua Knight A029 Light (Amazon):
Aqua Clear 70 HOB Filter (Amazon):...
Have you heard of using driveway ice-melter for your reef tank magnesium 2-part supplementing? Today we not only test these options for dosing your aquarium, but put them head-to-head with common hobby grade additives and our very own BRS Pharma grade magnesium material.
Link to certified ICP-MS and other Magnesium testing analysis....
Download Splash for FREE:
Share your Splash reef aquariums with me on Twitter! I'll retweet the best pics! @emzoticofficial
Welcome back to Emzotic! Today I have a reef tank update for you! Also, Jennie from Solid Gold Aquatics stopped by to give some of her amazing fish keeping advice.
Show her some love int he...
Download Splash for FREE:
Share your Splash reef aquariums with me on Twitter! I'll retweet the best pics! @emzoticofficial
Hey Creatures! Today I'm sharing with you part 1 of my 2 part series focusing on my nano saltwater aquarium.
DISCLAIMER: Nano saltwater aquariums are NOT easier to look after than a larger...
1,200 gallon total water volume. SPS dominate reef tank. 5 - Ecotech MP60's , 2 MP40's, 3 - Gyre 280. 15 Radion Pros. 7 month old reef.
Most popular in Reef tank
Aquarists sometimes wonder what they should put on the bottom of their aquariums. Is there a benefit to having substrate that is super fine vs something more chunky? What about no substrate at all? We will take a look at these options and you can decide which works best for you.
Check out for information or if you want...
1100 Gallon Glass Aquarium. 204"(17')v36"x36"H. OptiClear Glass (Comparable to Starphire)
just sharing a few design tips for plumbing a sump that will never need to be siphoned...
check for more infos!
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Update to my 500l reef tank 1,5 years after set up.
Most of the corals ordered at
See more and download Radion schedule / graph on
Main Tank: 130x60x60
Sump: 80x35x35
210 gallon reef tank with refugium, mangroves
Today on BRStv Spotlight, we're setting up a reef tank with the Red Sea Reefer 250 and our choice of lighting, flow and filtration. In this video we'll discuss some of the features of the Reefer Series aquariums and walk you through how to set one up as a reef tank.
Check out all the Red Sea Reefer options here!...
This is an overview of all the equipment I use to support my 500 gallon reef tank. The system is a total of about 650 gallons and this video covers pretty much all of my equipment and life-support for the main display.
Welcome back to Tidal Gardens. Today, we are taking a look at this amazing aquarium by Rico’s Reef Tank. This SPS dominated reef is a 300-gallon mainland deep dimension tank. Special thanks to Rico for having me over and showing me his tank. He’s a fellow youtuber so go check out his channel if you want to know more about this setup.
In this video we take a look at the top 10 corals for reef tank beginners. Weather you are starting a saltwater aquarium or a full reef tank this video covers the most hardy and inexpensive corals available in the reef aquarium hobby.
►Tidal Gardens:
----Support MHR----...
******* Recording with my phone Tools *******
Tripod For Cell Phone:
AquariClip Gel Filter for Recording :
*************** Equipment for my Tank ********************
** tank Controller **
Neptune Apex 2016:
** Water Flow **
Maxspect Gyre 230 :
** Lighting...
Store Video - is the source for all your reef aquarium news - the latest on exotic fish, rare corals and hot new aquarium gear.
×'s Tank of the Month for November 2012
This is a 20 gallon long tank that I've maintained in college for the past three years.
2x Ocellaris clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris), Orchid Dottyback (Pseudochromis fridmani), Crocea Clam (Tridacna crocea), Blood Red Fire Shrimp (Lysmata...
Using a sump to filter your aquarium is the most effective way to employ high-performance filtration gear and increase the overall water volume of your aquarium but we realize this is not an option for everybody. Sumps can be bulky, expensive and will require a bit of experience with plumbing to set up properly.
That is...
After having to pull the tank apart because of a flood threat, I upgraded to a bigger tank. I also added an SPS area. It will be better than it was. It is slowly getting there...
× is the source for all your reef aquarium news. This video was made on the two year anniversary of this 1200 gallon reef tank.
This video is all about reef tank ph. I will discuss how to solve ph problems, raise and maintain proper ph level in a reef tank. This video is full of tips and tricks on how you can keep stable ph levels day and night. I first start off by discussing what ph is and how it works within the reef tank. After I go into ways to maintain a desired number...
40 gallon breeder with Marineland pro series MH/T5 light, Reef Octopus HOB skimmer, and Koralia pump
× We are excited to show you a dazzling 120 gallon zoa-packed reef aquarium from one of our local customers, Cody (aka BeanMachine)!
Cody is an avid coral collector with many rare and colorful specimens in his tank. He does not compromise on equipment and his plumbing is super clean and well thought-out.
Watch today’s video to...
This is an update video tour of my 90 gallon reef tank system. Video was taken using Nikon D7100 and D7200. Corals include montipora Capricornus, birdsnest coral, favia/favites coral, palythoa, three rose bubble tip anemones, acropora, rare palythoa tuberculosa, frogspawn coral, green leather coral, tridacna maxima clam, pagoda coral, candy cane...
Hi and welcome to my very first Marine setup. I'm a novice when it comes to keeping Marine fish so I thought I better start off small.
Everything apart from the tank/Internal filter and overhead lamp was bought from Rhyl Aquaria:
4,6,8 Abbey Street, Rhyl, LL18 1NY -- 01745 355595
Check out their...
DIY Aquarium Sump Filter
using 8mm glass and 6mm for the partitions
Dimensions 80 x 35 x 35 cm
champers width from the left
14 cm
5 cm
27 cm
15 cm
10 cm
Setup the tank:
Tank DIY:
PVC Overflow DIY:
Stand DIY part1:
Stand DIY part2:...
******* Recording with my phone Tools *******
Tripod For Cell Phone:
AquariClip Gel Filter for Recording :
*************** Equipment for my Tank ********************
** tank Controller **
Neptune Apex 2016:
** Water Flow **
Maxspect Gyre 230 :
** Lighting...
Here is the link to the Aquascaping Contest Details
Reef-a-Palooza NY Info
More RAP Videos
My RAP Orlando quick hit video
Most Recent Video...
I have been trying to rehome my Bicolor Blenny for the last few weeks since he was caught picking at SPS... it has always been a challenge catching a fish in a fully stocked reef tank. Since the blenny lives in a tiny cave at night, night-hunting is out of the question, so we lay patiently in wait with our fish trap open...
Inappropriate Reefer...
Hey Folks, As you may know I received the new Evo tank from Fluval about a week ago and I decided to record this video showing how to assemble the kit and show what comes with it. I also show the installation of the optional protein skimmer.
Towards the end of this video I'll give you my first impressions of the kit but we all know how much of a...
My tips on the 120 aquascaping for sps dominant tank
Nuissance Algae is always a real drag to find in your tank. And bubble algae is among the hardest algae to get out of your tank. Any pest can be defeated and I show you 4 ways to remove bubble algae from your tank
My 10 gallon Reef Tank.
5 Months Old since January 2016
Other Corals not mentioned/filmed:
Blue Tubbs Zoanthids
Eagle Eye Zoanthids
Kenya Tree
It has been a long journey!
I learned so much
It is possible to have this small system
I will upgrade someday when I own my own house D:
Probably not for a long time lul
I hope you enjoy the video!
I do...
The tank is 3 years old and want to give a total description of my tank.
Walk through of my sump and plumbing. I did a lot of customization on all the filtration. Some of it I made - like the kalk reactor.
I've been getting tons of questions about my plumbing and filtration setup so I drew up a diagram. You can see it here: Let me know if you have questions.
REEF TANK ADDICTION Official Music Video
My reef tank at the 6 months mark.
Track list: 1- Strangely Beautiful - Amethyslium 2- Filmic - Above & Beyond 3- Shimmer (Original Mix) - Ad Brown 4 - Dacota Sunlight (Far Away Mix) - Alexsandro da Silva
Hey folks. Jumping into to salt water reef tanks so hope you enjoy this set up and I'm sure you'll see the ups and downs of the progression on this tank before I go big with reefs.
It takes a lot of Time and Dedication to Have a Beautiful Reef Tank. You have to stay up with all the Parameters, Water Changes, Coral Placement, Equipment, Fish Care, Coral Care. But if you love what you are doing then it doesnt feel like Work.
D Had an awesome 400G Reef Tank, the Man took care of it, and LOVED IT! To See it all Crash and FAIL...
The Aquarium in a Jar is a tiny 2 gallon reef tank. This is a 2 gallon Mason Jar that has been converted into a Reef tank and in this update video I add CORALS. The Aquarium in a Jar is coming together with the addition of Frogspawn corals, hammer corals and more!
Let me know what you think below, leave me a comment.
If you liked the video give me a...
210 gal twv Soft Coral Reef Tank
Today we find out how much The Wife has cost so far. You might want to hide this video from your partner. Don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss future updates.
Buy Bio Home Media Here:
Find the Genio Skimmer, Calcium Reactor & Kamoer dosing pump Here:
In this video we take a look at the top 10 soft corals for a reef tank. Whether you are starting a saltwater aquarium or looking to turn your FOWLR into a reef, this video covers the most hardy and inexpensive soft corals available in the reef aquarium hobby.
►Aquamia KPS Review: